Freshwater Christian House is commissioned by God to transform lives from dead-sea situations to well watered gardens. Read more

  • Address: 160 Lancaster Street East Kitchener,
    ON N2H 1N2, Canada
  • Phone: +1 519 778 8347
  • Email: info@freshwaterhouse.org

Experience God

Experiencing God is the key to a life of meaning and fulfillment. We will seek God first and everything else will follow.

Pillar 1:

We believe that life begins and ends with God. Our commitment is to seek God first and everything else will follow. We have planned OUR SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES to provide worshipers the opportunities encounter God in three main ways:

(A) WORD - The Word is the way to God. It is through the word that we make our first contact with God. It is impossible for anyone to believe in the God whom they have never heard of. Everyone that has ever believed in God did so by first hearing about God. The word is Christ and Christ is God. God and his word are one. To encounter the word is to encounter God. Our word approach to make it apply to our everyday life. [John 14:6. John 1:1. Rom 10:14, Ps 119]

(B) WORSHIP - Worship carries the presence of God. It is impossible to experience the manifested presence of God without honour and reverence for God. While the word shows us the way to God it is the heart of worship that brings us into the manifest presence of God. Our approach to worship is to honour God with hearts of gratitude and reverential fear of the Lord. This brings the power and presence of God to dead sea situations. [Psalm 22:3. Psalm 100:4. Acts 13:2. 2 Chr 7:1-3; 20:22. Acts 16:25-26]

(C) PRAYER - Prayer is communion with God. If the word is the way to God and worship is the carrier of the presence of God, then prayer is the official medium of communication with God. It is impossible to relate with a God that we cannot commune with. The heart of prayerful communion is the third element in our approach to experiencing God at Freshwater. [Jeremiah 33:3, 29:12. Matthew 6:9-13]

We will seek God first and everything else will follow