Freshwater Church is commissioned by God to transform lives from dead-sea situations to well watered gardens. Read more


Extend Love

Extending the love of God to our community and world is the goal of our transformation.

Extend Love to Others

Pillar 4:

We believe that we are transformed to by God to be agents of transformation in our world. Through our FBA training system, we shall raise a church of committed and mobilized community

of Christ followers who will partner with the Holy Spirit to show genuine love to everyone who walks through our door and who live around us. [John 7:37-39, Micah 4:1-2, Ezekiel 47:9, Zechariah 8:17]. The 3 elements in the EXTEND PILLAR are:

(A) PURPOSE: - We believe that a discovery of our place in God's plan and purpose for our community is essential to our success as a church family. We shall empower people to discover individual purposes and commit to the corporate vision of transforming lives from dead-sea situations to well-watered gardens in our community. [Jeremiah 1:5; 29:11, Habakkuk 2:3, Matt 6:33]

(B) LOVE: - We believe that one cannot truly serve God and people without love. Our love for God and people shall remain our sole motivation and guide in all of our community engagements. [Matthew 22:36-40, Mark 12:29-31, 1 John 4:20, John 13:35, 1 Corinthians 13]

(C) OUTREACH: - We will not be 'bystanders' in our community. We will reach out with practical solutions to issues facing our community in those areas that are within our capacity. We shall seek opportunities to partner with other community organizations that are committed to addressing the practical needs in our community such as food, shelter, employment and self development. Like Jesus, we will go about our city doing good to all that the lord shall bring our way and with the resources he provides. [Acts 10:38, Matt 9:35; Luke 9 and 10]

We will extend love of God to our world